Celtic Coins - Prices (ACTUAL PRICE)

Eastern Celts, Philip II of Macedonia Imitative, "Sattelkopfpferd" Type, c. 2nd - 1st Century B.C.

CE39304. Silver tetradrachm, "Sattelkopfpferd" type, VF, centers flatly struck, weight 7.556 g, maximum diameter 23.2 mm, die axis 135o, obverse head of Zeus right; reverse rider left (represented by three pellets);

PRICE: ~ 165 EUR

Eastern Celts, Imitative of Alexander the Great, c. 3rd Century B.C.

CE52074. Silver drachm, OTA L. 574 - 575, Price B17 var; cf. prototype Price 1978 (Magnesia, Ionia, c. 319 - 305 B.C.), VF/F, weight 4.131 g, maximum diameter 17.4 mm, die axis 90o, after 319 B.C.; obverse stylized Herakles' head right, clad in Nemean lion scalp headdress tied at neck; reverse Aëtophoros Zeus seated left on throne, diademed, right leg drawn back, eagle in right, long scepter vertical in left, blundered letter in circle left, Λ under throne; ex H.D. Rauch, Numismata 2011, lot 41;

PRICE : ~ 110 EUR

Eastern Celts, Lower Danube, Imitative of Philip III of Macedonia, 4th - Early 3rd Century B.C.

CE54396. Silver drachm, cf. Göbl OTA 591/2 - 3, Lanz 939 - 940, CCCBM I S 201 - 202, VF, weight 2.819 g, maximum diameter 18.6 mm, die axis 330o, obverse stylized head of Herakles right, wearing lion-scalp headdress; reverse ΙΛΙΠΠ−Υ or similar, stylized Zeus seated left, eagle in right, long scepter vertical in left, temple-like monogram in left field, symbol below throne;

PRICE : ~ 75 EUR

Lot of Two Silver Celtic Coins

 CE39334. Silver lot, Two drachms, Pannonia or Dacia, unattributed, partially uncleaned, aVF, obverse head of Zeus; reverse horseman;



Base silver tetradrachm (9.27 gm). Wächsender Durchmesser type. Greatly devolved head of Zeus right / Celticized horse left, rosette of pellets above back, pellet in ring under belly. BMC Celtic 62–63. Göbl OTA 269/9. Cf. Kostial 577–578. Dark toning. Some green copper encrustations adhering to reverse. Very fine 

PRICE : ~ 170 EUR


Aedui. Ca. 80-60 BC. Silver quinarius (1.90 gm). ANO[RBO], helmeted head right, Celticized / [DVBNO], Celticized horse galloping right, pellet in ring above. BMC Celtic 472. De la Tour 4972. Castelin 540. Good very fine.

PRICE : ~440

Tracia (southern Oltenia). Third to second century BC. Silver tetradrachm (13.51gm). Zweigreiter type. Laureate and bearded head of Zeus right / Horseman pacing right, only upper body shown, wreath behind, branch below. CCCBM I S24. Castelin 1246. Dessewffy 416. A superb example. Extremely fine 

PRICE : ~ 1850 EUR

HUNGARY/SLOWAKIA Tetradrachm (Silver). Type puppet horseman with triskelis. Stylized head of Zeus right / / Stylized torso on horse right. Dembski 1352. 13.20 g.
Almost extremely fine

The large diameter flan, concave fabric and light weight of the present specimen segregates it from the main class of “chinless” tetradrachms. In terms of fabric and weight it bears greater similarity to the Herakles/horseman scyphate coins of the Transylvanian plain. 

PRICE : ~ 2300 EUR

Tracia plain. Late second to early first century BC. Silver tetradrachm (10.41 gm). Kinnlos type. Diademed head of Zeus right, with no chin / Bearded horseman pacing right, leaning back, line with central pellet, possibly a hobble, below. Cf. Göbl, OTA 244; CCCBM I 47-54; Kostial 554-563 (all with smaller flan, heavier weight). Extremely rare. Toned. Obverse struck from a worn die, otherwise extremely fine

The large diameter flan, concave fabric and light weight of the present specimen segregates it from the main class of “chinless” tetradrachms. In terms of fabric and weight it bears greater similarity to the Herakles/horseman scyphate coins of the Transylvanian plain. 

PRICE : ~ 2500 EUR

Danube. Third century BC. Silver tetradrachm (13.63 gm). Baumreiter type. Laureate and bearded head of Zeus right, large lock of hair on forehead / Horseman riding left, wearing crested helmet, holding palm branch, animal device to left, leaf ornaments below. Göbl OTA 129. CCCBM I 66, S77-S78. Dessewffy 775. A few light marks and old scrapes. Attractively toned. Good very fine

PRICE : ~ 780 EUR